The Century won a Maine Literary Award in Poetry! Here is information about that. And a review appeared in the Portland (ME) Press-Herald. Very grateful for that. A brief excerpt is below.
SPACE Gallery’s 2021 Poetry Hotline
I’m very pleased to be part of @space538‘s 2021 Poetry Hotline, a 24/7 call-in number featuring a new poem every week. My poem “Telephone 8 (You have reached)” is available this week, beginning today.
Throughout the spring, call 1-207-828-5607 to hear poems by Myles Bullen , CA Conrad, Stacey Tran, Myronn Hardy, me, Shelley Wong, Alessandra Nysether-Santos, and Arisa White.
In the words, of SPACE, the 2021 Poetry Hotline is a screenless experience available to anyone with access to a cell phone or landline. This project honors the importance of poetry to speak to us in times of change and upheaval and offers a direct line to Maine-based and national poets and their visions for the future. The 2021 Poetry Hotline leans on art as both balm and bravery for the road ahead, led by a range of poets offering words of respite, reflection, radicalization, or regeneration to any caller, anywhere, when they need it.
Schedule (hotline updated every Monday morning):
Myles Bullen: April 19
Myronn Hardy: April 26
CA Conrad: May 3
Stacey Tran: May 10
Éireann Lorsung: May 17
Shelley Wong: May 24
Alessandra Nysether-Santos: May 31
Arisa White: June 7
THE CENTURY in Portland Press Herald
The Portland Press Herald has nice things to say about The Century. (Unfortunately, the review also has me working at a job that’s no longer mine!) Thanks to Josh Christie for his attention to my book.
reading 28 October (online)
I’m very pleased to say I’ll be reading and in conversation with Khaled Mattawa and Valzhyna Mort as part of Brookline Booksmith’s Transnational Literature Series on October 28 at 7 p.m. US Eastern Time, over Zoom. Information is here. The event is free but registration is required.
Three poems, The Adroit Journal
The Adroit Journal has three poems that also appear in The Century: “A tendency to survive after disaster”, “The end of history”, and one of the two “Nuclear geography” poems (if you’re keeping track, it’s the one on the train in England). I’m really pleased about this as Adroit has long been a wished-for place of publication!